Backstory… met this girl while we were backpacking in Asia and got along really well. We eventually hooked up before we continued our travels, but had agreed to catch up in Europe when she got back home in July (now). For the next 2-3 weeks we maintained contact every day sending huge paragraph messages about all sorts of things, and the conversation was flowing really, really well.

She returns to Australia to finish up her work visa and had previously told me she would be quite busy with work. Slowly she begins taking longer to reply, sometimes days, but I can't help but feel she's losing interest, despite knowing she said she'd be busy with work. I get it, I've been through these travel flings before. Two weeks pass and I've heard nothing from her, she's stopped viewing and liking my insta stories. I message her to let her know I've noticed she's been distant and say if she's lost interest then that is fine, but just let me know if that's the case.

Her reply actually seemed quite genuine and she had apologised for being absent, highlighting the fact she was exhausted from work and living in a social hostel at the same time. What eventually wouldn't sit well with me is that she had said "as long as I'm working this much I won't have the time to text regularly". That's a fair message to send, except that meant I would not receive a single message from her/any interaction for the next 3 weeks. Eventually I can't take the overthinking and being left in the dark anymore, so I remove her from social media and move on, believing she's lost interest and our plans for Europe won't happen.

Fast forward to this morning. For the first time in 2 months she reaches out asking how I am, what I'm doing, and what my plans are for the remainder of the (European) summer.

EDIT: She also said in her message that she is home in Portugal now. So my guess is she's fishing to find out if I'm close-by to see her again.

I want to think I'm smart enough to know that she's probably just bored/other fling (if that were happening) fizzled out, but maybe I've missed something? Please let me know what your interpretation/advice is or what your similar experiences were.

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