Send a message to a girl on my Instagram complimenting her she read it than requested to follow me. She never replied but she has been watching my IG stories. Should I double text or move on ? If I double text what is something I could say ?

  1. If you just leave a compliment then a reply is not necessary.

    Next time maybe just reply to one of her stories, but make sure to leave a question in there so she actually has something to reply to.

  2. Not all messages are replyable. Sure a thank you would have been nice but simply liking the message is a good enough reply for some, if any.

    If you want to get to know her you have to ask questions. If it’s something cheeky like saying it’s finally spring, it’s your favorite season, and then ask her what’s hers or if she liked doing anything specific during spring

  3. Why bother? If it’s that hard to get a conversation going with her, you’re fighting a loosing battle. A girl with high interest will reply. This girl has low interest, which in my experience is 100x worse than no interest. She will waste your time & wreck your self esteem.

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