I have a colleague who always disses things other people recommend or like as if she always knows better. We could simply discuss what we were up to at the weekend/food/restaurants and she would be like "Hmm no I don't like that" or "no that's not for me". Everyone has their preference right but she has to make herself very clear that she doesn't agree with what other people do/like.

I have engaged with her less but she is usually the one who strikes up a conversation. She initiates a conversation just so she can diss other people's positive experiences? I find her so annoying to talk to.

  1. She sounds annoying as hell but maybe she’s just really lonely. I’d ask her “Why?” or “How come?” once she voices those opinions and that would probably make it obvious if she’s just being a hater to be a hater or has genuine reasons for not liking things. Since she keeps butting into conversations I’d probably just ignore her afterwards though, or briefly acknowledge her and move on, hoping she’d get the hint. Or you could hit her with the “Huh, how odd.” But that would be a last resort kind of mean response lol

  2. It’s always difficult navigating a friendship when one person is committed to being antagonistic.

    I tend to distance myself from people who seem to be like this by default.

    Friendships / relationships aren’t just about connecting with another person. It’s also about how much more we connect with / learn new things about ourselves, through that relationship.

    If I have an acquaintance whose comments and responses always seem to make me question my interests, my knowledgeability, hobbies or media that I love, I don’t like to be around them very much.

  3. Offer less information about your own preferences, just ask questions, take a flattering attitude and cut out of the conversation as soon as convenient.

  4. What you do is don’t talk to her.There are some people in the world who are filled with so much negativity that they cannot bear to see a ray of positivity.They take fulfillment in making other people as bitter as they are.

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