Hey guys. I’m 29M & I was dating a 26F. We dated for four and half months. Over the weekend she ended things. The reasons being is because I didn’t put any effort. You see, I was gonna make it official with her soon. Due to my finances, I had to push it back. She told me I didn’t have to plan anything extravagant for that. However, I wanted to make it special for her. Even though she said she didn’t need that. She just wanted to be official. She also wanted flowers. Again I was gonna give her those when the time was right.

However I saw she was losing patience with me. She is a great woman. She’s cooked for me & even bought me groceries. I took her on dates and everything. However she said she thinks that I really don’t want to be official with her because otherwise I would have came up with another plan that didn’t have to involve little to no money. So after she dumped I unfriended her on Facebook

My pride got in the way. She left me. Is this fixable? Ladies pls any advice would be helpful. How should I go about this. Should I let her go and there have fun someone better or should I work this out?

TL;DR: she dumped me because I didn’t put in much effort.

  1. I see lots of “was gonna,” and not a lot about things you actually did.

  2. Only you can decide… I can tell you one thing… If you’re not able to give flowers to a woman asking for it… Then you won’t be able to do the rest… One can be broke, busy where everything goes wrong and still, theres always a way to bring flowers.

    From that alone, I’d say let her go, for her own sake, or completely change your mindset.

  3. I completely agree with IamMrEE. Move on and learn from this, do better next time. If you can’t figure out how to gift flowers, you shouldn’t be dating anyone.

  4. If you are not going to be able to provide what she wants and needs, let her go. If you’re not the man she is looking for let her go. Only you know if you are.

  5. You acted pretty childishly by unfriending her, and you’re old enough to know better. It sounds like you didn’t add anything to this relationship so you should chalk this up as a loss so she can move on. Do better next time.

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