Me (23) sister (26)

I have only recently just found out that my sister met up with my ex bf a couple years ago. But she never told me about it, and it just sort of slip out of her mouth.

She said that they met up and had a chat that’s all. When I found out I was upset, I felt as if she’s done something behind my back and somewhat shady. Personally I believe that nothing has actually happened between them that it was simply a friendly meet up as they gotten along pretty well in the past. But why would she not tell me they met up??

However when I confronted her and asked why hasn’t she told me about it she claimed that she forgot and because at that time I was dating a guy she doesn’t approve of and hated me back then. It got into an argument where I said I feel she has betrayed me by meeting up with him and not telling me about it. But instead my sister said I’m being too sensitive about it and told me to get over it.

I’ve spoken to my parents about it they are all on her side and told me not to be upset about it as it happened years ago and also told me that I’m being too sensitive and maybe it’s a generational difference. I’ve also talked to my brother who is the eldest of us, and he couldn’t comment and said he doesn’t know what advice to give me.

Is it actually normal for family and ex partners to meet up and not tell the family member that had a relationship with the ex ?

However when I talked to my friends about this, they simply said it’s weird and shady??

Am I over reacting ?

  1. I think it’s obvious why she didn’t tell you about the meet up:

    – You got upset when she told you now and you would’ve been even more upset back then.

    – If she didn’t like you before then she really had no obligation to tell you. Unfortunately, honesty and truthfulness is usually reserved for those we actually get along with.

    My sibling had has an ex and we get along really well. I’ve hung out with them and not told my sibling because I knew how’d they react. But at the end of the day, it’s an ex. Regardless of what they did – hung out, kissed or hooked up – he’s no longer your boyfriend so he and your sister can do whatever they want.

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