So as you’ve seen I (17f) am dealing with a friendship issue.
Recently she (17f) (who recently got diagnosed with a bit of autism) has really been annoying (at least I’ve started to notice and not deny it more).

For instance whenever we talk (debate) about something that doesn’t goes in her way or the situation is making her uncomfortable, she becomes immediately impulsive.

A good example would be when she wanted a pair of pants and because she couldn’t pay it her mother (who works in the shop) told her that she needed to get her card and ask another employee to put the pants aside while she was taking it.
She instead yelled that she didn’t wanted it anymore in SUCH a childish way.

(If her mother and I weren't doing our best to stay calm and calm her she would have never got those pants) but anyways it’s one example amongst many others that depicts her Impulsive behavior and how we should butter her up.

It’s the same pattern when we’re alone:

Knowing since we’re child’s that her family situation is complicated and that’s (plus the autism now) is probably the reason of her behavior, I’ve always tried to be the most comprehensive with her.

Now when I’m annoyed about something she said or did, I’m not smiling/comprehensive as I’ve always “been” when I confront her, because I’m slowly trying to be more authentic about myself.
And quite indirectly she either try to put the fault on me (her ego is gonna k!ll me) or she ends up crying because she feels sorry for her behavior (after getting mad at me).

She is emotional, I know it damn well but the thing is,
I am too,
and I would like my feelings and opinions getting considered in those situations, because honestly,
I’m tired, tired of having to fake a smile and reassure everyone when it’s actually not how I feel,
Even if behind a good listener is my most told quality,
I’m feeling like I deserve to rest my poor cheeks too and stop smiling when I don’t want to.

So please give me your feedbacks about this situation and help me understand it more please..

TL;DR; : My friend is stubborn, help me find a way to understand my feelings and if they are legitimate..

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