My bf 19M started buying me 18F flowers in the beginning of our relationship, he would surprise me with them on random occasions and even go out of his way to pick me up some after getting off of work (he normally makes it back into town at 8pm). I loved it but, over time he just stopped. The last time I received flowers was on Valentine’s Day, since then I’ve brought it up on multiple occasions how I really missed it and wish he would do it again and he still hasn’t. The first time I brought it up to him was in May. He got upset saying he doesn’t want to buy me flowers if he feels I’m asking for it. So I tried to never mention it again and would make mental notes of times he could have bought me flowers and never did. It’s now July and still nothing so I brought it up again and he admitted that at some point he just forgot. I voiced how that makes me feel unnoticed and that I know to him and even others it may be looked at as just flowers but to me it shows he cares and notices me. But yet again it has done nothing. We’ve been together for almost 10 months and at this point idk what to do or say to get it in his head how much I just want a bouquet of flowers. It’s not just the flowers though I’ve had nothing given from his side of the relationship but his words, his actions don’t go along with them. Am I being unreasonable and should I just drop the whole flower thing for good? I’ve asked him if it’s something I’ve done that’s made him stop all the cute stuff like planning a date or anything and he said I haven’t done anything wrong.
Any advice on how to go about this?

TL;DR my bf hasn’t bought flowers or planned a date in months, I brought it up to him but nothings been done, any advice?

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