So I have this coworker that I was texting quite frequently for a few months we were getting to know each other better even though I was with someone. They mentioned FWB and I told them I don't do that and to not talk to me unless they want a relationship (I was ending my bad relationship). Well they started talking again only avoiding emotional topics now. They have been moving slow but progressing to phone calls and I quit the job hoping they would feel comfortable to make a move. They even insisted on coming over to my place on a day I have my kids (which I did not want them to meet yet since I don't know what this is?). I don't want male friends. I don't know what to do here? I feel like they are just stringing me along cause we stil haven't kissed or anything. I don't know if they are afraid of offending me again or what but I need a kiss or some kind of confirmation this going somewhere am I wrong? Otherwise to me it's just a waste of my time?

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