I started dating this guy in May around 3 months ago. We live close by and used to meet often since the start for about 3 times a week at least. We became exclusive in about a month of dating and I insisted on it because I we were physical. This was start of june.

After that we travelled separately often and we were still figuring things out. He was depressed and traumatized because of his past toxic relationship and that’s why we had not made things official but we were exclusive for sure. He told me he loved me a few weeks ago as well. There were a few red flags I ignored like he had very questionable friends who’d cheat on their SOs, he would also make jokes about dating and seeing other people and I had communicated it to him that it makes me uncomfortable.

This weekend I met a friend and he told me how this guy also dated his friend and is still in touch with her. I got the screenshots and apparently mid June he responded to her story saying ‘I wish I could kiss you rn’ out of nowhere. At that time he was travelling and I was baby sitting his cat for him. He is still messaging this girl for the past few weeks asking her to go out for drinks. I have all the screenshots and I showed it to him and confronted him.

He said the flirtatious msg was because he was high at that time and we had just started dating and he needed time to build trust. At that very moment we were also texting he never said that to me that we could kiss. I felt betrayed.

About asking her out for drinks he said he just asked as friends. I know they have met only once and the girl doesn’t think of him as a friend and finds him creepy. This was too much for me. I ended things with him right away. But now I feel sad, did I make the right call? Should I have given him a chance?

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