How did you end the situationship you were in?

  1. Not putting out, apparently… Dudes get frustrated and disappear when they don’t get what they want. It’s probably why I’m single at 34. Also, situationships are stupid and IDK why anyone would willingly sign up for one.

  2. I tried to end it in person but she blew me off saying that she was busy(which was one main reason I was ending it). So I just texted her “Don’t worry about it. Just wanted to tell you that I’m done with whatever this is. ✌🏾”

  3. I met him through a friend and we had clicked it off immediately. Hung out as just friends for almost 5 months before he kissed me. Then we had sex and basically dated for another 4 months. I ended my situationship by bursting into to tears when he said he’d never consider really dating me (after telling me how amazing of a woman I am, how I’d be an incredible mother, how I’d make such a lovely wife, all while having sex with me) and leaving the music festival I was at early, trying not to sob in the car. On the way out of the festival, the folks at the gate stopped me and one girl asked if I was okay and I burst into fresh tears and said I kept loving the wrong people. She said “Awww sweetie, you have so much love in your heart and it’s overflowing and you just don’t know where to put it yet.” This was last year, May 2023.

    I had a string of situationships before that and each one broke my heart. After that last one, I stopped dating completely to just work on myself and my expectations and my desires. I even turned down a couple dates in that time with people that I would have enjoyed spending time with. I had been doing myself a major disservice for years for not being honest to myself about what I really wanted; a loving stable relationship with a man who wants to marry me and build a life together.

    Then last December I met the man I think I’m actually going to marry! The sweetest, most devoted and loyal man I’ve ever met in my life. He takes care of me in micro ways no one else has ever done (refills my water cup with cold filtered water, gives me foot massages, buys me flowers). I asked him on the third date what his life goals were, and he shared the same as mine. He’s coming with me to my brother’s wedding next month, then I’m meeting his parents across the country for Christmas! He calls me his Sunflower 🥹

  4. He kind of ended it first. Then, I sent a final goodbye message. I ended up reaching out to him a few months later and he was like 🙅‍♂️. So I officially blocked him.

  5. He lied to me about wanting a relationship, so I binned him off.

    I’m now in a lovely relationship.

  6. It took a while but eventually I had to make a decision. I feel like I was just allowing it. I put my foot down (to myself) and said no more. He was never going to do it.

  7. Truthfully, I never wanted to be involved with him in that way but he wouldn’t accept No as an answer (That’s a whole other story) He turned abusive & took advantage of my soft nature after a few months…So after almost 2 years of putting up with it I told him what I thought of him and his behaviour & that he was to stay tf away from me lol

  8. I stopped communicating with my last situationship because he started to become a jerk to me, distant, and poor communication. Last time I tried talking to him about my feelings through text he told me we should hang out and talk it over with drinks. That never happened since he invited his friend to hang out with us and play at an adult arcade. He was obviously avoiding talking about it. I mention to him I wanted to go to a concert to see my fave band and they said they wanted too also. I ended up paying for the tickets and they never paid me back. They were acting touchy and grabby like a boyfriend during the concert. During a slow song he hold me from the behind, kissed my neck, and swaying along with my hips to the music. The last time we hung out they were acting really distant, not touchy feeling with me, hardly talking to me, and making rude comments about they way I look even though he was “joking”. After that night our last time seeing each other, I decided to move on stop talking to him not even bother telling him how I felt like I did before which telling someone how I feel helps me relieve bottle up emotions. It still hurts because I just can’t stop thinking about our friendship and how he ruined up with hooking up with me. It seem that’s what he wanted all along. I feel really used and hurt. Situationships are ok if you’re in your early-mid 20’s since its all fun in games but in your late 20’s and 30 above it gets old.

  9. We were friends for around 12 years, he moved back in July 2023. He just got out of a relationship so him saying he wasn’t ready for one was completely understandable, but almost 6 months later and multiple red flags later I ended things. 2 months later he’s in a relationship with someone new which I’m assuming only happened since she got pregnant. Still mad about it since it ruined a friendship but oh wellllll, it was a good learning experience at least.

  10. He made out with another girl.
    And completely hid it until he confessed from idk guilt?
    Ik it was stupid to expect a monogamous situationship
    ( If that exsists).
    So yeah I blocked him and didn’t feel a thing.
    Infact the amount of shit i went through when my bf of 2 years broke up with me. I was expecting to feel something or maybe shed a tear or two.
    I realised its the attachment that makes my heart ache.if i have zero attachment with a guy i wouldn’t feel a thing for him when he goes away from my life. All in all a good lesson though.

  11. Over time, I realized how poor his character was based on the various ways he disrespected me and showed what his values were. He dangled the idea of a relationship over my head to manipulate me into staying. Even though I was still unhealthily obsessed with him, I knew deep down that I deserved a healthy, stable, loving relationship and ended things over text. I think he kind of panicked because he jumped into a relationship within the next week lol.

    That was almost two years ago, and I’m now in the relationship I deserve with someone amazing whom I hope to spend the rest of my life with.

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