
I 28M was dating my 27F ex for about a year and everything was perfect. Family, friends, us, all got along together. Went on vacations, talked and planned a future ect. Long story short after about a year and talking about engagement she crossed some boundaries I had with drinking and social media and I looked at her different and knew that it wasn’t for me anymore. I was willing to give it a chance if she wanted to change habits and apologize but she blew up the relationship in an emotional state and sabotaged it between her family and friends and told a one sided story. We broke up 2.5 months ago and had absolutely 0 contact since then.

A month later after we broke up I met someone absolutely amazing. Absolutely stunning gorgeous, same values and ethics and she showed me nothing but interest. It made me completely forget about the things I put up with and my EX….. after 2.5 months (a couple days ago) me and my new partner made an appreciation post about each other and my exs friends who still follow me saw it. It was a few pictures of us together. I know they have their group chats with my ex and they showed her.

Long story short she (one of my ex’s friends) absolutely berates me for moving on so quick. That’s I have no dignity, she was out of my league, calling me a loser, saying I have no friends or life ect. Basically anything she can take normal from my life into a negative. She basically inferred that the community was small and they would try to mess up my new relationship too.

Why would they do this? Shouldn’t they be happy that there’s no chance to get back together and I’m occupied with someone else and id never reach out since im so terrible? No one cared to reach out after 2.5 months, yet now they want to berate me? Because I moved on to someone who is objective better for me and physically? Are they trying to get back at me because she’s hurt? I never even knew what my ex feelings were since I left her place and we broke up she refused to talk and stonewalled me and then I went not contact after 3 days of the breakup. What’s the point? Why are they like this?

  1. Your ex wanted to show her friends you’d come crawling back begging her to date again but you didn’t, you moved on and now they aren’t happy with you.

    Block and delete everyone of them, cut off contact fully. Your new gf doesn’t need to see your ex and her jealous bitter pals messaging you.

    Trust me, they will stop after they can’t contact you.

  2. Hi back, OP. To me, it just seems more reason that it’s good that you and the ex are over. Small community and they didn’t know you were dating… and are threatening you now? Ugh.

    If I were your new GF I’d appreciate the solidarity of knowing so we could have a united front. Not a big deal just learn, nod, move on together hand in hand. Without fodder to feed off of, the ex drama should fade in time.

    To your ex: yeah go NC Means you don’t get to harass them when they get over you

    Best of luck in your new relationship

  3. The people who are giving you a hard time are not truly your friends. Friends are supportive and care about you. Think about that, and think about cutting off people who are showing off their true colours. Remove your ex from your social media along with all the haters because they are being disrespectful to you.

  4. Just block them.  What’s the point of keeping in contact with them?  Move forward with your life…end of story!

  5. If your ex’s friends are harassing you, consider blocking them to protect yourself. Focus on your new relationship and positive aspects of your life. Ignoring their negativity and moving on is the best approach.

  6. I would say “wow your life is so boring and pathetic you have time to look and see what i’m doing? I’m not wasting my time stalking any of you! 🤣 k bye!” Then block all the losers.

  7. Yeah just block them and don’t engage whatsoever. Nothing says unbothered more than total silence.      

    If I were one of her friends I can fully imagine thinking some not so kind things if I saw your post but I certainly wouldn’t comment on it or harass you directly.    

     These antics sound like a bunch of teenagers, not damn near 30 yr olds.

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