My wife (23f) and I (23m) have been married for 4 years now and have 2 children (3f and 9mo f). I am the sole provider for our household (my wife is a traditional stay at home wife). We are not rich by any means, I make about $3250 a month after taxes. Our bills (including rent and utilities) come out to about $1700 a month. Whoever, at the end of each month we have nothing saved because my wife is a big spender especially at Walmart. There was once a point where she was spending nearly half of my paycheck in grocery shopping before I finally put my foot down and gave her a budget of $800 a month so we could finally start saving for a house. This lasted for about a month before she stopped caring about the budget and saying things like "but the girls need it" or "they need options for meals" (we spend the most on groceries on frozen pre made food).
Whenever I call her out on her spending she throws it back in my face and brings up something I bought for myself months and months ago. It doesn't matter how much overtime I put in or how little I work there's never anything left in the account at the end of the month. This has been going on for some time and she has not had to work in over 2 years but complains that I never want to go out or do anything either because we never have the extra money to do anything.
Am I the the bad guy?

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