My girlfriend went out with a group of people last night and got drunk, she was messaging me most of the night but kept mentioning another boy, we’ll call him Joe
She said she was sharing water bottles with him and alcohol which I just found weird
But this morning I had a little tease about going off with him to which she replied that she used to have a crush on him for 2 years but apparently doesn’t now, the thing is another friend took some pictures and there is one where she is literally in Joes arms wrapped around him face to face
I should mention that we’re still quite fresh so only one of the group knew that me and her are dating and the rest, including Joe, have no idea
I brought it up that that made me uncomfortable, especially as they were drinking, and she just cut off instantly saying that “she can’t be bothered if I was going to be arsy about it” I just said fine and I had to leave for work anyway

Am I in the wrong here or is that a total lack of disrespect? How do I go about this situation?


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