47f and 48m. We live together. Have been together for 4.5 years. I’m an avid bass fisherman. My fishing partner (a male) catches a nice fish I take a pic of him holding the fish bc he ask me too. My gf tonight came at me cause I have more pics of him on my phone than I do her. Says I never take pics of her. I told her I’m a 48 yo man I don’t walk around just taking pics of everything. I take pics of him with his FISH not just him and bc he ask me too. She says “my ex husband took tons of photos of me he liked looking at my pictures”.. I love looking at her. It’s not like that at all. And to compare me to the ex….oof. I don’t know where to go with this. I’m at wits end. :(. How should I handle this ??

TLDR : she said I don’t take pics of her but I do my fishing partner.

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