Me and my boyfriend decided to work things out. I told him of the people I was talking with while we broken up and we decided to both cut communication with those people. I gave him the exception of playing online games with his friend although they told one another they liked one another before me and him decided to get back together. Yesterday she calls and he wasn’t going to answer but I insisted that they have one last conversation to get everything out in the open and on the table. I also expressed how it isn’t a good feeling to be ghosted, and he shouldn’t do that to her. (Reminder!! He has never saw her face)

He goes into the next room to talk, and when he comes back he tells me how the conversation went. He said that she asked him why she chose me over him and how she thinks that stupid because I break up with him all the time. (Which is true, I do break up with him easily) and that he gave her false hope when he told her he liked her, she also told her parents about what happened as well as her friend. He told her that he loved me and that was that.

I then put my two cents in on it after he explained that i do understand her frustration but at the same time i don’t because she knew he was in a relationship when they became friends. Secondly I think that she kind of played herself knowing that me and him always get back together. It seems as if she was expecting him to leave me based off words because they’ve never met. I am honestly trying to understand her frustration but I’m having a hard time. Just looking for some explanations on why she would be upset maybe. Are there things that he left out of the story?

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