I've been dating my long-term boyfriend (both of us are 20) since 2021. We met as teenagers and fell in love instantly. He's always treated me well, though sometimes he lacks a bit of common sense when it comes to my feelings.

When we first got together, I started working at Starbucks. He didn't have a car, but I did, so I encouraged him to apply and work with me. We worked there for a year before moving on to different jobs. He has always managed to keep jobs for long periods, but everything changed last December when he got arrested for a felony. The charges were dropped a few weeks after his release, but the damage was done. His job fired him due to the felony, and he racked up about $6,000 in debt, not including what we owe his parents for the bail.

I decided to get a job to support us, as I'm also doing full-time university and living with my parents. He moved in with us, but after his arrest, he began working for my dad without much success. He wasn't making any money, so he left that job for another at an auto parts company, which only lasted two months. Now it's July, and he still has no job. I understand it may be difficult due to his record, which is in the process of being expunged, but I feel frustrated knowing I have to pay for both of us. He seems to just be waiting for someone to "get back to him" he even stopped going to school too.

I make $16.50 an hour and work just under 35 hours a week. I find myself irritated that he won't take job hunting seriously, even if it's just a job to get by. Am I a bad girlfriend for feeling this frustrated? What should I do?

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