I’ll try to make this as short as possible. So basically my girl told me over the phone that one of her ex’s hit her up apologizing for what happened in their past relationship. There wasn’t much of a discussion between us at first.

Later that day, I told her on the phone that it was bothering me and I wanted to see the messages. She immediately started making excuses, saying it was too “cringe” and she didn’t wanna show me because there were pictures of his children.

After 30 minutes of going back and forth and me demanding to see the messages, she finally started to send me screenshots. The conversation was normal, but way to friendly for 2 exes. And their were gaps in the conversation in the screenshots.

I called her out on this and told her I need to see EVERY message. She then just started to tell me to come over and fuck her. I said you can show me all of the messages, or we can be done. I told her if you really wanna fuck one more time we can but if you don’t show me the messages we’re done. When I got to her house everything was deleted and she started begging and crying and apologizing and telling me it was her meds making her act like this. I told her she made the decision to delete the messages. She’s still begging and apologizing. Should I kick her to the curb? cuz that’s what I’m thinking

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