Hi Everyone,

2024 has been a huge life-changer for me, and I'm hoping to continue the progress. I have around 6 weeks to build a skill or a habit before starting a new job.

So far in 2024, I've been working on:
Fitness: Going to the gym 5 times a week.
Diet: Cut out carbs and sugar.
Education: Received my bachelor's degree in finance.

I now have 6 weeks, and I don't know what to focus on. I have plenty of time to add something meaningful.

Some of my thoughts:
Learn a skill or get a certificate that could help in my new job, which will involve a lot of sales and Excel.
Focus on mental health: I often crave more than I have or need and sometimes think about drastic changes like starting a new life somewhere else.

I'm open to other ideas as well. What would you focus on if you had 6 weeks to learn something or start a new habit?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

  1. We know nothing more about you but my priorities are always health, wealth and relationships. I always recommend learning personal finance really well.

    Alternatively, learn in depth about programs you’ll be using at work so you can add value right away.

  2. 6am wake up every day.

    Go to gym.

    Pick a martial art/combat sport and start 3x a week.

    1-2 psycilibin trips.

    1gal water a day.

    pick a fermented food and incorporate 1-2cups a day.

    1 hour of reading per day.

  3. I think the only thing you need to round out your self improvement journey is something to address your emotional well being. Do you have a hobby you want to master?

  4. Do 6 weeks of intensive training in something you haven’t done before. Hot yoga, BJJ, meditation, surfing, rock climbing, whatever sounds fun.

    Do an anti inflammation/elimination diet for 6 weeks and figure out what foods are best for you. Whole 30 or paleo or something like it.

    Read “Prometheus Rising” by Robert Anton Wilson, “Phaedrus” by Plato, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

  5. Cutting out carbs and sugar is not only not necessary, it’s barely possible. Instead, focus on reducing the amount of sugar you eat and only eat whole grains or carbs from vegetables.

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