If you had to choose between living in either Ireland or Sweden, which would you pick and why?

  1. I really like Ireland however I’d have to go with Sweden. Better international travel/connection to Europe, Stockholm has more to offer than Dublin I feel, and there’s a lot more space geographically meaning that Sweden is a lot less likely to succumb to future housing crises (I assume). Domestic travel is also hands down better in Sweden and there’s also a much stronger social safety net. In terms of weather I’d probably say Ireland although scandi summers are a real treat. Tough one though, both great countries.

  2. Ooh I love both countries. Was in Ireland two weeks ago and leaving Sweden tomorrow. I’d say Sweden because of the nature and I just feel like the air is fresher there if that makes sense. Hard to explain but I think the overall quality of life is better in Sweden.

    However I love stout beer so I’d live in Ireland for the pubs alone 😆🙈 I also did Irish dancing for years so it would be cool to get back into it in Ireland.

    Maybe live in Sweden but visit Ireland often would be ideal for me.

    Probably not the most helpful answer you’re looking for sorry 😅

  3. Ireland because I don’t think it’d be all too different from where I currently reside lol

  4. Dublin x Stockholm, Dublin all the way, despite the bad public transport. But for a smaller city or rular area, I’d pick south Sweden.

  5. Sweden, because it’s the culturally more foreign to me. I already know I love Ireland based on the sole facts that I love Irish people and their history is really metal. I would love to visit someday.

    Sweden on the other hand, it’s almost a complete mystery to me.

  6. for sure ireland, less unemployment, lower inflation, i speak english so easier transition, wayyy lower taxes, higher wages, closer to home

    republic > monarchy
    euro > krone
    get wet in the rain > freeze
    catholic holidays > other religious holidays

    cons: closer to england

  7. I’d rather live in Sweden. I’m from Finland so I think I’d feel more at home in Sweden when moving from one Nordic country to another.

  8. Sweden because I like cold weather and it’s already raining enough here in Brittany.

  9. Ireland. Easier to adapt since I already know English, plus Poles are the biggest minority there.

  10. Sweden. Ireland does not go far enough to north. I mean if in winter sun shows itself, then it is still south, and i hate southerners.

  11. Ireland! I absolutely love the country. I’m indifferent towards Sweden. I’m also fluent in English and willing to learn Irish, but I don’t speak a lick of Swedish

  12. I’ll stay in Ireland grma 🙂

    Trans health care is shite in both countries anyway 🥲

  13. Sweden. Specifically Västkusten (West Coast) where I live. Couldn’t be happier here.

  14. Ireland because it’s most similar to home culturally and in climate, landscape, island status, etc. The last three things are what I’d miss the most so finding a similar replacement would be important.

  15. Sweden because I sometimes crave proper seasonal weather and I reckon Ireland’s weather is on the same meh scale as the UK plus you can ski in Sweden – bonus!

  16. I have actually lived in both and my answer is Sweden. As a Belgian, it was more culturally similar than Ireland and just simply better quality of life. I love the Irish people though, super friendly, but other than that pretty much everything was better in Sweden.

  17. Are you trying to decide between the two most successful Eurovision countries?

    As an Irishman, I of course have to pick here simply because a pint if too expensive in Sweden (we’re slowly catching up price wise though).

  18. Difficult choice!

    I would say Ireland, but I’ve been (visiting, have friends in both countries) to both countries and quality of life and life-work balance is better in Sweden. That being said, I work in tech and speak English, so surely it would be easy to find a job in Ireland. Actually, I was offered a job there years ago but decided against it as my husband would have had to pause and take paternity leave, as for him it would be difficult to find something in Ireland. All in all, it made family life more complicated back then with little kids than in Germany.

    Also I have Swedish friends I’ve visited in Sweden and gotten to know their friends there and culturally, it’s a big gap for me. I feel more at ease in Ireland.

    So, if I were single, I would probably choose Ireland. With kids…tough choice.

  19. I live in Ireland and am Polish, I would move to Sweden because I miss snow and forests. Ireland with all its beauty has very little trees and woodlands. Also rains and pours 🙈

  20. Tough one, both countries are great. I’m from Finland and my spouse grew up in the UK but has Irish nationality. I’d probably choose Sweden for the nature, size of the country and for the fact that I’d just have to choose one.

  21. Ireland because I spent a few months there and loved it. Best months of my life.

  22. As Sweden is our nextdoor neigbours with really close connections and cultural similarities, making it feel like being at home whenever I cross the pond, I guess I have to say Ireland.

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