TLDR: Amazing partner doesn’t take time for himself so doesn’t know what a self care day would look like if he had one. I’d like to give him some time and ideas to try it out.

Long-winded details:
As a new mom, I’ve been investing a lot of brain power into making sure I feel rested/healthy both physically and mentally which means I take a day every month or so for self-care. This would include extra hygiene/cosmetic time, a fancy drink, meditation, outdoor time, etc. I have a wonderful partner that gives me space to do this and I’ve come to the realization they he never takes “a day” for himself. Ever.

I’ve just asked him what a day would look like for him and he’s not sure. He of course has free time every day to invest in hobbies and resting in what ever way feels best for him at the time but he’s got no idea what a “self care day” would look like if he had a whole day to just focus on his wants and needs, however big or small.

So what do *you* do to make yourself feel rested and healthy? How would you choose to pamper yourself and if you had a whole day dedicated for it?

  1. Exercise. Hot bath or sauna. Massage. Nap. Cannabis or mushrooms. Picnic in a beautiful garden. Feeding pigeons and squirrels.

  2. I would probably just work on something I wanted to work on.

    Work work work work work. Death.

  3. I think it depends on the person. Like for me, I love hot showers, massages, hiking, going out with friends, drawing, playing my guitar, etc.

  4. A day where I can sit down in a comfortable sofa and just think of nothing for as long as I can
    And maybe watch some tv/play some video games

  5. Same as it looks like for girls I guess. Doing stuff that makes you feel better about yourself/your surroundings. For me it’s cleaning whatever mess I have in my room, showering, watching TV and playing video games and taking a cheat day on my diet with my phone on do not disturb. Maybe a nap too

  6. Self care is chilling with the boys. Enjoy the moment. With no females
    Be free and just go with the flow in having fun man

  7. We do it 3 minutes at a time until someone starts asking us “What are you thinking about?”.

  8. I’m an avid outdoorsman so i hike a lot, fish, camp, hunt, float etc. But usually I’ll get my most relaxing times the three months of deer season here. Mainly I just go on Saturdays and anybody that hunts knows there’s a lot of time you’re sitting around. I don’t have bloodlust and go out there to kill every thing that walks by but just what I need to feed the family. But (whitetail) hunting gives you a lot of time to think and relax. He needs to find what brings this to his life and taking me days like you recommend

  9. Gym, nature, hanging with the boys you’re close with, maybe do some sports or watch a game, video games with friends. I’m 22, that’s all I can add in so far.

    Being active and getting sunlight is a must. Highly recommend it as a daily thing.

  10. For mental health most guys go to the gym, if he isn’t doing that give him body dysmorphia and he’ll spend hours there a night lol

  11. >How would you choose to pamper yourself and if you had a whole day dedicated for it?

    The word “dedicated” instantly throws me off and makes it feel like a chore.

    Anything that involves planning is the opposite of relaxing, so if there’s a day without anything important to do that’s my self-care day, and I just mess around and do whatever I feel like.

  12. Really just doing anything I enjoy that I wouldn’t be able to do on a normal day. My wife isn’t into board games, so self care would be playing board games with someone. I can’t rub my own back, so self care would be someone rubbing it. I’m not the best cook, so self care would be going to a steakhouse. Really just doing something that I’d like to happen more often.

  13. I would sleep in, workout and shower, get a massage from my wonderful partner, sleep some more, maybe do a mask and an edible while playing some casual video games

  14. 37M.

    Manicures, pedicures, good skin routine, massages (deep tissue – beat my ass up) infrared/steam/dry sauna

  15. For me, it’s mostly about not getting certain parts stuck in the zipper. That’s about it.

  16. If I had a whole day to do whatever I liked, I’d make myself a nice breakfast. Take my dog for a good long walk, go for a spin on my motorbike, read a bit, probably work for an hour or so on my side hustle. Work out twice (cardio in the am, weights in the pm). Spend time with my daughter and SO.

    That’s a lot, I know, but I like staying busy and working on myself.

  17. For me it would be : cooking, going out to see my friends, read a book, playing video games, go to the barber shop, eating pastries, doing yoga, taking care of my hair/skin… Anything in this list as long as it feels new and/or fulfilling

  18. Sit down, smoke weed, and play RDR2. That’s my vision of a self care day, but it probably applies to few and far between.

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