My bf seems more into his video games and phone than me, I’ve had conversations many times. I feel sad, lonely and undesired.
32 female, 29 Male, together 2 years, live together.

what is my next step?
Can I make him more interested in me?

Situation, long version:
I 32/ F have been dating my BF 29/M for about 2 years. We recently moved in together. I feel increasing lonely and undesired. I have had multiple conversations with him trying to explain how I feel ignored and unimportant to him. He goes to college no job, while I work 9 hours a day, do all the housework, cook dinner and take care of our animals. I also regularly go to the gym. I am an attractive person and in great shape. Yet whenever we are together, he is always watching videos on his cell phone about his favorite guy streamers, or about his video games, or endlessly scrolling social media not really doing anything. If he gets tired of scrolling he will get up without a word and go play video games. He will do this on dates, while watching movies at home, while out at the actually movies too.
I will try to talk, to communicate and connect, he will ignore me, or say what and I will have to repeat myself multiple times. I was very explicit once that I would putting on a sexy outfit and waiting in the bedroom, he came in, and was pissed right away, saying how I was giving him an ultimatum since he just started a game and couldn’t quit. I was turned off right away of course, and he left to play his game all while complaining I’m the reason he was losing the game and I suck for the ultimatum. Even though I had told him I was going to do this so he could end his game after that round. This last week I have stopped trying to even connect. No long sleeping naked, going to bed whenever I want, and focusing on me. It seems to me he couldn’t care less. I have a high sex drive and we haven’t had sex in a week and half, he hasn’t even tried, last time I tried he told me to get on top as he was to tired from playing video games till 2am. I am so tired of telling him my love language is quality time and physical touch, I’m tired of the same conversations where I just want some attention, to talk, to connect, to play and have fun,I want to be some what of a priority in his life. If he’s mad about something I get yelled at about it because he’s in a bad mood, it always feels like I’m doing something wrong, or he’s always in a bad mood. Recently I feel super insecure and lonely. I’m at a loss on what to do, I love him deeply but I am at a loss right now,

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