My boyfriend and I were recently talking about our dating history and past sexual experiences and he told me that he had a fling with a girl he was childhood friends with, and that he was 2 years older than her. They were also friends in high school but started getting close when she graduated, and he was taking a gap year from college. He thought he liked her romantically but realized he only liked her platonically after she gave him oral, and decided to limit their conversations because he didn’t want to lead her on due to not feeling a connection. It makes me feel weird because it really seems like he groomed her and after talking to some people about it, he should not have been talking to her at all considering their age gap. So now I’m conflicted and don’t know how to feel towards my partner, who I view very differently now. What do I do?

Tldr: Boyfriend might have groomed someone because of an age power dynamic and now I don’t know how to feel

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