Women of Reddit, how would you react if your partner wanted to start sharing photos of you on Reddit?

  1. I would revoke their access to any pictures of me and tell them in no uncertain terms that I do not consent to them sharing my pictures. Their desire to do so would impact my trust levels in them and our relationship.

  2. There would be a very heavy discussion about boundaries, because that would be a giant violation of mine. I’m not entirely sure the relationship would survive that conversation, honestly.

  3. I’d have to wonder what strange ailment has befallen them and caused such forgetfulness AND such a change in personality–a stroke, amnesia, something like that. They’re fully aware of how I feel about things like that and what the wrong photos could do to my career, but also they’re too jealous for something like that.

    If they were medically/mentally sound and still wanted to share photos of me, it’d be a HARD pass. I’d feel a lot less comfortable with them in the future, and would probably reduce the amount of time I spent in compromising positions near them.

  4. He would be single. I have a stalker that somehow always finds me everytime I move and sends me mail, attacked me once from
    Behind and had broken my window. And my partner knows. I don’t have any pictures of me anywhere online for that reason. If he told me this I would leave him because it means he doesn’t care about my safety.

  5. He wants to but respects that I don’t consent to that and doesn’t do it – weird, I would definitely feel weird about that and want to discuss why he would want to do that. If he did it without my consent, that would be a deal breaker. My husband is on Reddit, can identify me by my user name and I don’t think he looks at this sub, but just in case – dude – don’t post pics of me on Reddit 🙂 Outside of Reddit, he doesn’t really do socials and I highly doubt he would ever see a reason to post a pic of anything other than our cat or some computer equipment on here.

  6. I wouldn’t be cool with that. If it were a different social media platform— one that isn’t based on anonymity— then I’d have less of an issue.

    I don’t want my picture on this platform. If he did it without asking, I’d demand that he takes it down, and then we’d have a conversation about it. Boundaries would be set

  7. I’d be ok with it. I would like face and tats blocked for obvious reasons. I would also like to be shown whatever was going to be shared previously.

  8. Not cool. My partner I’d always enough sexually for me and it’s incredibly disrespectful

  9. If he talked to me about it BEFORE doing it, I would be okay. Kinda hot if you ask me but that’s just my opinion lol.

  10. You should be more specific in your post, why does he want to share, what type of pictures, what subs? I’m not saying any of them is good but will definitely help paint a better picture and answer to your question

  11. This happened to me. My ex-husband not only posted photos without my consent; he also casually dropped that he’d been negotiating with a random Redditor over how much he’d be paid for my photos. This detail makes me lol but I think he announced to me it was something like $30. I was numb and speechless. At the time, because I was so afraid of his anger, all I said was that I would not be okay with it in case I was recognised and it would sully my reputation.

    He is not my husband any more for many reasons.

    Edit: Even if the hypothetical scenario involves my partner asking for consent and respecting my decision, it means that he is active on certain subreddits, for why else would he want to join in? He can view whatever he wants in his free time on a “don’t ask, don’t tell” basis, but directly revealing this to me would feel hurtful and disrespectful.

  12. They would not be my partner anymore. And all photos would be purged from existence even very mundane / innocent ones. It would be as if I never existed in their life.

  13. First reaction is, why? Why would he want to do that? That doesn’t seem like something someone should want to do? So yeah he better be explaining himself real quick

  14. Hard no and low key this would make me very suspicious that he’s either already doing it or is just gonna do it despite me saying no and that suspiciousness would lead me to break up with him.

  15. I would think… wow I don’t even know this person. That’s just so far from something her actually do. I think I’d be fine, yeah

  16. Uhhhhh. Why? Why would anyone ever want to do that? It’s gonna be a no from me dawg.

  17. My first post on Reddit included full body photos of myself in shorts. I had no idea they would be visible to the entire forum and didn’t give it much thought at the time. I think it’s safe to say that almost all of Reddit has seen them by now and it’s just old news at this point since the private messages have finally 🙏🏻 ceased. I would just wonder wtf my husband was doing on Reddit to begin with.

  18. I would be angry. He knows there’s absolutely no way in hell I’d be ok with that.

  19. Only if he discussed it with me in great detail well ahead of time and we established rules, boundaries, and permissions. I’d demand I see and consent to every photo shared, and discuss the intent for each post or conversation about the photo. Communication and consent are always the requirements.

    If he said, “hey honey this is a hot pic! I’m gonna share it to my friends” as a statement rather than the opening to a deep conversation on the topic … I’d be pissed for 1.

  20. If my face and any identifying things were removed and I got to see the final pic before be posted, maybe.

  21. Fucking NO LMAO. I’m a big fat fuck and any pictures of me put onto reddit are just going to be heavily ridiculed lol

  22. If I give consent it’s fine. If I don’t consent to it then it’s about to be a big problem.

  23. Nah, my body is my husband’s only when it comes to anything sexual. He would never do such a thing anyway. That would just be a huge violation of trust.

  24. No, absolutely not 😱 I would be mortified for anyone other than my husband to see me that vulnerable. I already rarely take photos for my husband because I don’t think I look that good or sexy. I’m already my worst critic, I don’t need to have other people make comments.

  25. I’d feel grossed out by even the suggestion. It would probably make me reconsider a relationship.

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