My partner (32M) and I (29F) have been facing challenges in our relationship for over a year. He has expressed uncertainty about his feelings for me and whether he still loves me. Both of us struggle with mental health issues, past traumas, and are neurodivergent. Our relationship pattern has involved intense emotions, followed by periods of communication and improvement, making us feel happier together.

Currently, we're spending time apart to work on ourselves individually. The uncertainty of our future is extremely painful for me, and I wish I knew if he's going to end the relationship. It's heartbreaking because I know he isn't taking this decision lightly, and he shares my uncertainty. Despite my deep love for him, I wonder if I can continue enduring this emotional turmoil.I don't want our time together to end, and I'm willing to work on our relationship. We've even discussed couples therapy, which I'm open to.

However, he worries about making a mistake by ending things, and I’m unsure if I could trust him again if he leaves and later regrets it.Am I holding onto something that's no longer viable? Should I move on to avoid more emotional pain, or is there hope for us to work things out?

TL;DR: I'm in a difficult relationship where my partner is unsure about his feelings. We've struggled with mental health issues and are taking time apart. I love him and am open to therapy, but the uncertainty is painful. Should I hold on or move on?

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