so this school year will be my first year in pals, and I have a history of not being able to keep up or start a convo, or talk to kids. For example, in 6th grade we had book buddies which was basically us reading to a kindergartener every Friday and the first day me and my kid sat there in silence. Whole 30 minutes. That whole year when we were together, if I wasn't reading I just sat in silence…But anyways back to the point 😝😝 idk if other states do pals so it's basically kids who go to elementary schools and play games and talk with troubled kids. Could someone give me tips on how not to be awkward and actually talk and not be a little bitch😚 if I'm being so fr idek how I got accepted into that shit man

  1. With kids ask them questions about home/pets/friends/colors… listen to them and try to remember. Find out their birthday too. (make them a card at the least when it comes up)
    If you’re able to bring along a bag possibly a deck of cards and teach them a new simple game. you don’t need a lot of time to keep them engaged and occupied just enough time. You can also bring a coloring book with “fancy pens” kids love to use things not readily available.

    makes you’re time spent with then “special/unique” they will look forward to seeing you.

    if you have to help them study and know ahead of time possibly bring M&Ms as an encouragement to focus.

    When I was in high school I was in Big Brothers Big sisters. spent an hr a day 4 days a week with a “little” usually recess or reading/study time.

  2. The good news is children talk better than they listen. Ask them questions you will learn a lot by listening, then comment and talk to another child ask them a question too etc be enthusiastic say wow what else or that’s awesome, compliment them. Kids do not judge you so you have the advantage all you have to be is a listener and a fan of them .

  3. I just talk to children as if they’re another person, which they seem to appreciate. I find it easier actually. Children love to talk, so if they show me a game or toy I’ll ask questions about it and they love talking more.

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