Hello guys.

I am in a difficult situation and I would really like to hear some thoughts outside of my own. I need help deciding whether I should forgive an old friend or not.

6 months ago, me (27m) and my fiancé (28f) met up with one of my oldest friends. We have been very close friends for more than a decade, and he was going to be the best man of my wedding.

All three of us like to party, and have probably spent hundreds of evenings out drinking together in total. This time, however, all three of us decided to try MDMA together. After taking mdma in his apartment and feeling the effects, I decided to go outside for around 20 minutes to get some air, leaving my fiancé and friend inside. This could never come across as an issue at all, as i trust my friend and fiancé wholeheartedly.

When i get back, i notice that my friend is extremely intoxicated, and that the MDMA and alcohol did not leave him in a good place. He was paranoid and slurring his words. I notice that my fiancé is very unhappy, and take her outside to ask what is going on. She tells me that while I was getting some air, my friend told her something along the lines of “I would not mind if we slept together and he did not know about it.”

I left with my fiancé, blocked all forms of contact with him, and had not heard from him until last weekend, when he sent me a text expressing his apologies and regret, and praying for forgiveness.

Should I forgive him? I do not have many friends, and he was my closest friend for a very long time. I miss him, and I know he speaks the truth about how sorry he is. He was intoxicated, and I trust that he would never have actually done something with my fiancé. At the same time, this is in many ways unforgivable to me. Any input is appreciated. Thank you!

Edit: title should of course say fiancé not wife

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