my boyfriend (16m) and i (16f) have been together for 7ish months. he is the sweetest person i've ever met and he does so much for me but for months ive been wondering why i wanted more. i want stupid things like flowers and to be posted on his instagram. i've felt ungrateful because he does so much for me, so why am i hung up on little things like that?

tonight, i realised that it's because he only ever does big gestures for me. he hates being late, but he's cooked for me and sat down and watched me eat it to make sure that im eating even though it's made us late to go out. that makes me feel like im a burden. i really appreciate the fact that im a burden he's willing to carry, but everything he does for me is big things like that. putting aside his own feelings to make sure im safe and happy. obviously that's incredibly sweet and im so appreciative about it, but i just don't want to be difficult sometimes.

i want him to do things like buy me flowers and post me because i don't have to be a bad person. he can do those things without having to go out of his way and put me first. i don't want to always have to be the difficult person who's making him go out of his way for me. i just want him to show me he loves me without having to sacrifice his own happiness and comfort for me. i don't know how to tell him this without sounding like i don't appreciate the fact he's willing to do that for me in the first place.

tl;dr – my boyfriend only ever does big gestures for me that make me feel like a burden. how do i tell him i just want little things like flowers so that i dont have to be a bad person without sounding ungrateful?

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