There's a lot to unpackage here, but I'll do my best.
So about 6 months ago I met this girl and we dated and it was really nice, but because of unfortunate circumstances we broke up and now we're talking again. She has changed a whole lot based on the actions she's been taking and what's she's doing. I did something very unorthodox and gave her a place to live under the guise that she's going to focus on herself and becomes a more stable adult. We both came to the conclusion that we should stay as friends and form something over a length of time.

Here's where I get a bit worried.
Before we get together she wants to travel abroad. On her bucket list she wants to go to Ireland to meet a guy and a girl she met through discord around 8 years ago. She said she wants to stay a couple months there and then come back, then go to England to ride the double decker busses. Then she wants to come back and then go to one more place, I think the city/state is Verona. After that she said she'll start fighting this custody battle which is really toxic, and start settling down.

With this one guy, she said they almost got together twice but never did because of the distance, central Arkansas to Ireland. That being said, should I be worried about this guy? I try not to be the jealous type and this is my only relationship experience. I want to give this woman the ability to do what she wants and experience life before settling down with me, but I don't want to get hurt in the process. I'm only 22m almost 23, but I'm feeling all kinds of things and it's all overwhelming. Is there a mindset I should have? Am I overthinking this?

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