Me (18F) and Callum (19M) have been together for 4 years, as we met in school. His parents have always been a lot stricter than mine and have never really took the time to get to know me – i’ve probably been to his house less than 5 times in our whole relationship. My parents have been the opposite and have welcomed Callum as a member of the family and invite him to dinners, parties, holidays etc…
I have always been upset at the lack of time Callum has spent with me outside of school and this was highlighted during school holidays where we would go up to 2 months without seeing each other (despite living a 10 minute car drive from each other) due to Callum turning down plans last minute or both of us having other commitments such as part time jobs or holidays. I have communicated my feelings about this to him many times and we even broke up over it about a year ago. We got back together after he promised me it would all change and it did for a few weeks. Then it went back to normal and I was telling myself that everything would be different when he got his own car. Callum bought his first car a month ago and has driven to see me a few times now. He has been offered a job as an electrician to start in September and the problem I have with this is the incredibly long hours he would be doing (8am-7pm) most days and sometimes even on Saturdays. At the moment he is doing some work experience for this company and is working those hours despite promising me we would be spending most days together this summer. I am upset because I have realised that I have made every single plan to meet up throughout our entire relationship. I am upset because I have realised that he never texts me or wants to call me at night. I am upset because I feel that he is choosing everything else over me and our relationship and has taken me for granted for the best part of 4 years. He tells me he loves me and wants to spend time with me but I know actions speak louder than words and if he wanted to see me he would. I, of course, am supportive of this great job opportunity for him and am expecting him to take it but I thought we had agreed to spend the summer together and now it feels like I am the 2nd option yet again.

At the moment I am refusing to ask him to see me or beg for his attention at all and am waiting to see when the next time he tries to come over to see me will be but I need advice on how best to approach the situation because talking to him seems to get me the answers that he thinks I want to hear and then nothing changes.

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