I (30M) feel like I always get the following after a few dates:

  • You’re a really great guy, but…”

  • “You’ll find your someone”

-“You’re really sweet but I didn’t find that spark.”

-“You’re a wonderful guy who will make someone happy…”

I’m honestly just so sick and fucking tired of not living up to women’s standards somehow. Like I would give people a shot even if I wasn’t fully attracted to them or didn’t quite agree with them on everything. I’m just so tired of women not giving me a chance or not finding me sexually attractive, despite getting kisses on the lips, hugs, and flirtatious banter.

I literally don’t know why I’m supposedly this great guy but I’m literally the only guy on the planet that can’t get past the first few dates with someone. It’s just so fucking demoralizing and it’s hard not to be bitter. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or what’s wrong with me. I think after years of dating multiple, multiple women, I’m throwing in the towel. I can’t do this shit anymore. I guess I would rather die single and lonely than feel this way after every potential connection. Fuck this shit.

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