I swear I wasn't like this. In college I was kind to everyone and they were also kind to me. That led to some good friendships. However, after graduation, those friendships just turned into followers in social media. I stopped hanging out with friends like I used to.

Routine has made me isolated. I tend to cancel the few plans I get. IDK why. I would love to meet more with my friends and other people. I know all about my friends lives from their stories and posts, but when was the last time I actually interacted deeply with them?

I'm considering developing better habits, like scheduling regular video calls with friends or setting up monthly in-person meetups. But this feels too unatural. Honestly, I'm tempted to make an app just to force myself to be social again. Is that sad? Probably.

Any advice on improving social skills, especially for someone who's become too comfortable with surface-level online interactions? How can I make my online presence more meaningful while also growing my real friendships? Thanks!

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