So, I need to vent and maybe get some advice on a situation with my girlfriend. We've been having these non-stop, small arguments over the most trivial things. It's like she talks to me in such a disrespectful and unappreciative way, and I'm getting really fed up. It’s small things, but recently I’ve been calling her out on them and making a big deal out of it as I feel like this is not behaviour that should be normalized and I don’t deserve to be treated that way.

Here's what happened today: She lost her phone about two weeks ago, so I gave her one of my old phones. I had to reset it because I forgot the PIN, which wiped all my photos from ages 14 to 18. Today, I told her to stop using that phone soon so I could try to recover those old photos. When I explained the technology behind recovering wiped data, she flipped out. She got all paranoid about her old phone, even though no one who steals a phone is likely to go through the effort of recovering photos after formatting it.

Then she got angry with me, like I was the bad guy for explaining the situation and wanting my photos back. I tried to console her, saying no one would do that, but she just told me to "fuck off" and that she didn't have time for this. So, I hung up.

We continued arguing over chat, and I expressed that I was fed up and felt she was being petty. She took that as an insult and started gaslighting me, acting like I was the one being unreasonable. Then she dropped a bombshell, saying that no other guy she's been with has ever said they were fed up or called her petty, implying they were better than me. That was the last straw for me, so I told her to find someone else who treats her better.

I also asked her for a break, telling her I needed some time and wouldn't be messaging her for the next couple of weeks. I have university work due on August 12th, and I can't keep dealing with these petty arguments that happen every other day. These fights are always because of how she speaks to me. I never speak to her in a bad way; I'm super respectful, always have the best intentions, and I'm there to help her with anything. Yet, she is consistently unappreciative and talks to me like crap.

Despite all this, I still cling to the hope that we might have a future together someday. I know that, even though she talks to me like shit, she probably feels the same way deep down. She's just too immature right now, and honestly, I don't know what's going on in her head. I think she believes she's in the right, but I don't think she's mature enough for a relationship.

Don't get me wrong, she's a great person—she has good taste in music, interesting hobbies, and overall is a good person. But her immaturity makes me question if she's ready for a relationship. I'm stuck wondering if I should just leave her or hold out hope for her to mature. How should I go from here and any opinions?

TLDR: My girlfriend is disrespectful and immature, leading to frequent arguments. Considering a break to figure out our future.

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