I guy (25) been with this girl (24). We met last year and had a rocky start I did a lot of things , she did a lot of things and I never gave her the title of being my girlfriend. I always wanted to be with her regardless of what I did and every time I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend we would fight about things. I understand the fight probably had to do with her not being secure. I broke things off with her due to her cheating. She said it was because she was so sad of not having that title and was so sick of waiting around. Mind you I did everything with her took her on trips, never asked her for anything and would love to take her around the city. She went through something drastic and we ended up rekindling our relationship. In those few months we were part I did everything to try and move on went on a couple dates , worked out did it all to try and forget her and never could. It was always hard for me to open up around her and now finally after 3 months into our “ relationship “ I start to finally open up little by little every time I open up she thinks I’m coming at her and invalidates my feelings. I try to explain things the best I can and tell her what she does , says , and doesn’t say affects me. She gets cold with me when upset when I talk about my feelings and states let’s just live in the moment and not stress out when I bring topics up. Since getting back together it has been fight after fight or disagreement every week. I try to be there and want the relationship just don’t know what to do and want some advice. I don’t want to keep feeling like I’m a horrible person and want to be loved.

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