hi everyone, im 21M who was asking hiself these question: are friends important in our life and especially the female one ,and why when the female friend support me and help me i get supper motivated, i was having in the past female friend , i was a really prodective person because i was getting a lot of motivation and emotions support, when i was lonly i talk to here and when i have a problem i talk to here, she was just a friend, but she was good one ,and now she is no longer talking to me , and after that i felt that i become a lazy person who dont work and allways wanted to play instead of building my future, i really dont know if that was the probelm i mean not having a female friend to talk with and support each others,i really sad that i no longer have that friend and now im lonly,because i dont talk with any female right now, and i dont know what i do .
i will be grateful if anyone can help me… i really need help….

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