Hello Reddit,

Gonna ask on here cos I need opinions of well meaning internet friends. I’m a F (27) and my “crush” is my ex colleague M (26).

We both got super close, I’d say emotionally intimate last year for months on end. He’d let me know what days he was in the office and I’d coordinate. We’d go to lunch together, snacks together, talk about everything and anything. He’d make sure to collect me before a social, would hang out with just me and never any other female colleagues. Every time he saw me he’d kinda shout my name out loudly out of excitement. I literally made a lame list about signs he was giving off.

I asked him out. He said yes, then a few days later he backed off and said no citing not being ready and the fact we may end up working together. We weren’t close like before but when we did bump into each other we were friendly and he’d always make an effort to catch up.

When I said I’d quit the role, he became much friendlier again. Would message me on Teams, would come downstairs to check on me during events I had planned, he’d collect me for socials and would make sure I sat next to him, pulled out seats etc. On WhatsApp group chats he generally tends to reply to my messages the most.

One of our mutual friends (colleague) said he’d wingman and when he first touched the conversation my crush was like “I think she has feelings, actually I have feelings too, idk”. I’ve heard that my crush is keeping his cards close to his chest since.

He keeps running away… What do I do? I don’t want to wait so I’m dating around, however it’s been a while since I’ve felt happy around a guy. Any tips? Or shall I leave it and expect the worse?

Thank you

EDIT: I sent him a follow request on insta a few weeks ago and he still hasn’t accepted lol

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