I have this friend I’ve known for 25 years. She’s very sweet and supportive, however she definitely leans anxious. Often this manifests as oversharing.

For example, she will often bring up a story that is very loosely related to the topic we’re talking about and go into great detail for seemingly no reason. I’m used to it, but recently we were hanging out with some of my friends whom she doesn’t know that well and I noticed how she always felt the need to interject about every single topic and sometimes it feels like a lot.

She will also provide an unnecessary level of detail IMO, especially for people she’s just met. Like if they ask her “how long have you lived here?” Instead of just providing a brief overview, she’ll basically tell them what she was doing every year and why, including touching on personal health issues and topics that I won’t label as off limits, but I just don’t think you need to talk about when first meeting someone unless it comes up organically.

I’m not sure if/how to address this. It sometimes makes me feel overwhelmed or hesitant to invite her places. She’s planning on moving back to my city in the next year or so and has already expressed that she wants to hang out multiple times a week and it kind of stresses me out. I’ve built up a nice little social circle that I really value and it can be tricky to introduce new people at the best of times.

Any tips on how to manage a friend who over shares/lacks boundaries? I don’t want to hurt her feelings but I think this behavior is probably hindering her ability to make new friends.

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