We have a nice enough family friend from the States who comes to Ireland every summer, she's nice enough but she has a tendency to arrive at our house late at night without a warning in advance. Today, she arrived at our house at 8:30 p.m and hasn't left. My parents are doctors and need to sleep early, she knows that, yet she arrives at the house pretty late anyways, still hasn't left and got a little upset when my dad suggested we wrap up the conversation they were having (him running his own health centre and such), yet she acted oddly upset at the suggestion. Is it just a vacation thing? Or is this normal in the states?

  1. Showing up unannounced, late in the evening or otherwise, is not typical American behavior. I wouldn’t dream of dropping in on my friends without a heads up and a confirmation that they are 1) home, 2) available, and 3) willing to receive me.

  2. No, I would consider that behavior pretty rude/inconsiderate unless it was an emergency or something.

  3. Unfortunately she just sounds like a bad guest. Even in the most hospitable of places here, showing up unexpectedly at odd hours just to chat would be considered rude.

  4. Yeah, if your parents need to be firm with her, so be it. She’s being presumptuous, selfish, and rude.

  5. Not normal at all anymore. A drop-by was pretty typical before we had cell phones, but not for a long time since. She’s being intrusive, this wouldn’t be acceptable here either.

  6. Honestly, in the states, we probably wouldn’t have even opened the door that late if it was unannounced. Too many weirdos lurking about.

  7. That’s not normal or socially acceptable here, what she’s doing would be considered rude by most of us.

  8. I don’t even call my closest relatives after 9 pm. A personal visit? Unheard of.

    If someone stops by, uninvited, at my house after 8pm, there had better be an emergency.

  9. Not normal in the slightest. I visited my brother this week and I not only let him know the day I was coming, but I updated him on my ETA every single time I stopped to let my dog out of the car to pee.

  10. Not normal to show up at someone’s house without texting/calling beforehand (even within close family for a lot of us), and also not normal to do so late at night. Most Americans would turn her away at the door, lol.

  11. I wouldn’t even call someone on the phone past 8pm without asking. This seems exceptionally rude by our standards.

  12. How old is she? That sounds like typical behaviour before the ubiquity of smartphones. Millennials and on wouldn’t. They would *at least* send a text saying ” hey comin over! 🥰”

  13. As others say, this is not a normal practice. I’d suggest, though, that this person is probably lonely and homesick, which is why they are behaving that way.

  14. At one time, *predating cell phones*, it might have been okay in some circles to drop by unannounced. To do so later in the evening would be rude then and now… especially when you know the host(s) have early hours.

  15. This is only typical of people who are oblivious to social niceties. Not typical American behavior unless her entire family is like this, then it’s just what she is used to. Be blunt. If she drops in randomly, tell her it isn’t a good time and she should call before dropping by next time.

  16. Obscenely rude, wouldn’t dream of doing that to anyone, even my closest friends or family. What a freakin’ jerk.

    Please don’t take her rudeness to be representative of all Americans!

  17. Not typical. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t have a place to stay for a few nights and was banking on y’all just letting her crash “since it was so late.” Then (best case scenario) she doesn’t leave for a few days until she finds some other place to crash.

  18. This isn’t “typical” behavior, and if anything would be considered very rude in most places unless you were extremely close with the person. It sounds like to me that your friend has forgotten that even though THEY are on vacation, the majority of people around them are not.

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