What’s something small that dictates how attractive you perceive a women?

  1. Her laugh. I only noticed this a few years ago about myself. But nowadays, I am quite aware that a laugh I perceive as weird can really turn me off of someone.

    By the way, when I say weird, I don’t necessarily mean annoying. I understand my own laugh can annoy some folks, so that’s not quite what I’m referring to. Rather, I mean if there’s something off-putting about it.

    It’s hard to put into words but I hope some people can understand what I mean.

  2. Her personality, I like looks but I’m attracted to personality over all things, it’ll make or break a relationship

  3. Her smile. Both her smile, and how it lights up her face. This alone can melt my heart.

  4. Grace and elegance. Also good posture. I’m a fairly quiet person and loud women cause loss of wood.

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