Women of Reddit, what was the most recent thing that brought you excitement/joy?

  1. I found esports jersey in a thrift store with nickname on the back, and now I’m searching for orignal owner of the shirt. Fun.

  2. My husband bought me a Gameboy. Tetris is in the mail. I’ve never had a gaming thing ever! I’m so excited to unwind playing my fave game.

  3. Driving back home from my 2nd job. The rush-hour traffic had cleared, the sun was nearly setting, and I was feeling tired but satisfied since I’d gotten so much done. As if right on cue, taking me from my freeway exit to my parking spot at home, Ice Cube’s “It Was a Good Day” played on the radio 🥰

  4. I took a break from coffee for about a month. This morning I had my first cup since the break and it was extraaaaaaa delicious 😋

  5. I’ve been getting into bookbinding and I’ve bound some fanfics.

    I found a set of really good condition Twilight saga books (paperback) from the thrift and I’m excited to try and rebind them into hardcovers to gift to my piercer.

    I’m happy that I got a good deal on the set but also realizing how nice it is not to have to print and create text blocks 🥹

  6. It is my birthday soon, as well as our anniversary and usually my husband is very late out with gifts (though I always get one and at worst he lets me pick out a collectable) and it’s usually just one gift combined. This year I have low expectations as he just changed jobs and we had a hell of a year, just deciding to take a break from fertility treatment and in general were just worn out.

    Well, suddenly I get an alert of TWO parcels arriving. Then in the evening he is all giddy and says he got an extra thing for me so he can’t wait, and gives me the box of chocolates I love (big 560G box). So in total, I’m getting 3 gifts. He is also taking me out for dinner (letting me know ahead of time so I can prepare, as I do not like surprises like that), and whatever else I wanna do either on my birthday or the day after on our anniversary I just have to name it.

    I fucking love this man. 19 years of marriage, 21 years together

  7. My cats nose finally healed! She’s diabetic and scratched her nose while playing with her bestie.

  8. I was planning on visiting my grandmother’s grave after work. It had been a long day. My partner called me and shared that he had purchased flowers and her favorite cookies to bring so I didn’t need to make a trip to the store. I cried tears of joy on the way home to get him so we could go visit my grandmother together. I am lucky that I have this level of support during this tough time.

  9. I haven’t seen my husband in a few days and when he got home the first thing he did was give me a big hug for a good long while.

  10. Got into grad school for clinical psychology! That, and it was my birthday and I got to see my boyfriend after 3 weeks of not seeing him (he went on vacation with his kids).

  11. I’m 37 and finally bought my first “black dress” and I LOVE it. Idk how I just accepted this part of my feminity but now I want sooo many more

  12. After years and years of putting it off, I got my scuba diving certification. One of the best decisions of my life and wish I had done it sooner. 💙

  13. Found out that God of War is getting ported to PC in September. I have been waiting so long for this game! Almost bought a ps5 just to play it lol

  14. Just found out one of my regular customers at work (who genuinely LOVES me) is a former Olympic gold medalist and world record holder in track and field. We’ve basically become besties over the past 6 ish months and I finally asked him today what his life story was. He was so excited to tell me and it made me so happy

  15. The feral cat I’ve been feeding rubbed up against me when I put her wet food out today. 💗

  16. I had the nicest conversation with a friend and when they went back home they sent me a text saying that they always feel so warm after we meet. 💞💖 And I felt the same way.

  17. I PASSED my Aircraft Electrical Systems class Final for school to become an Aviation Mechanic 🥹⚙️✈️

  18. This actually happened today. A dress I wanted last year was on full price for $500. At the time, I couldn’t stomach paying that but I really loved the dress and I thought about it often. Today, I had some time to randomly browse the clearance section. You know how clearance racks are always so cluttered? Load and behold, I saw the pattern of the dress tucked in the middle of the rack. I thought, it probably won’t be my size. Took a peak at the tag and it was my size!!! It was 50% off so fine, I’ll bite the bullet. It’s meant to be right since I found it a year later? When the salesperson was checking me out, he gave me a slick smile and whispered “It’s priced at $99.” WHAT. Yes it’s meant to be!!! This made my day.

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