Here's the context for this.

So basically, me(20F) and my sibling were doing some fixing up round the house and our neighbor, a sweet old lady (60F) came up to us to ask us about what we were upto. We talked to her for a while, and then she was called inside by her husband(70F). She left after that, and we continued on with our work.

After 30 minutes of working, our mom called us inside, but we had some more work to do, so I asked my sibling to go and told them that I would take care of the rest.
I continued on with my work as normal, though i was in a squatting position because I was installing this grill/fence thing and that's when a heard a commotion in our neighbour's house, suddenly the neighbour's husband walked out of the house, I didn't pay attention to what he was saying, because I was,yk working. We had problems with snakes and other animals getting in through the gaps in our fences, so I had to get this done before it got super late.

So I was doing my work, and this guy (and this was the first time I was seeing the guy, btw) just started staring, like openly staring. He has a cig in his hands and I didn't notice it at first but I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden and I stood up, and that's when I head the sweet old woman tell the old guy to 'get inside' and that 'it's getting cold outside, but instead of going back to his own house, he instead, walked forward, crossed his homes gate and just started staring more.

I was scared, he just looked like bad news and before he could move forward, I quickly tried to lock our frong gate but i accidently cut myself on the hand (the fence thingy we installed was sharp) because i was panicking and all, but thankfully I got to lock it in time And I rushed back to my house as soon as I could.

After i reached my house after this ,I told my mother and my sibling about this, that I got such creepy and weird vibes from the neighbor guy outside and that I felt unsafe.
They agreed and asked me if I was okay (the wound was still bleeding)

Anyways, fast forward to 3-4 hours, my dad was back from work, and I was telling him about what happened that day and about cutting my hand on the fence, and, God, Like i expected him to agree just like my sibling and my mom and worry over the wound… But he didn't.

He asked me what I was wearing when it happened instead.

What I was wearing. In my own home.

Like jesus, this is my own place, dad.
I don't want to wear skirts and long pants inside my own home. I had to fix the fucking fence. It was an important thing. Who the fuck would give a fuck about what they were wearing when they had to fix shit so that they could sleep peacefully not worrying about snakes and what nots.

And if anyone's wondering,

I was wearing shorts that were a little above my knee. And a long sleeved shirt with a high neckline.

And tbh, even if I was dressed "provocatively" how does that warrant someone to be creepy towards me?. How is that my fault?

He told me that i couldn't understand it because I was 'too young'.

I'm too young to understand shit, but not too young to be objectified and reduced to my godforsaken clothes.

So obviously after hearing that, I was heartbroken. I'm still feeling so chocked up over it.

A fucking creep was low key trying to do something to me and my own father tells me that, no, its not the creeps fault for being weird, its mine, for luring him in because i was wearing SHORTS. AT MY OWN. DAMN. HOME.

I can't look him in the eyes anymore. I'm so hurt. How do I stop this?.

TLDR:my dad took the side of the weird creep that decided to oogle and start something with me and blamed it on what I was wearing.

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