Men of Reddit, what do you want right now?

  1. To know everything about everything

    I’d settle for a good book that makes me laugh out loud though.

  2. to be home from work, smoking a joint after ive finished eating dinner. christ almighty this day is dragging

  3. Significant action to reverse global warming, but unfortunately, it’s just not happening

  4. A weekend that I’m not on call. Bonus if it’s this weekend since we have off Memorial Day, but I know I won’t.

  5. Pizza, burgers, and maybe a steak also… on various days of the week. 🙂

  6. * For experience: I want to travel around the world and explore different cultures and eateries.

    * For sexual: A gassy asian girlfriend who is always ready to fart around me.

    * For money: Enough finances to live overseas in Okinawa, Japan for 5 to 8 years. Purchase rare or mint condition coins (avid coin collector). Have a few vehicles to drive around: Bentley is a must on that list of vehicles. Slurge a little and finally, enough money to live off and my children; grandchildren; great grandchildren; great great grandchildren to have as well.

    * For now: Sexual first.

  7. For her to apologize, to be honest and then to kiss me real deep and long and slow with the softest lips I’ve ever felt. Then I can die.

  8. $650,000 in my bank account after taxes, all of my work completed for the next 2 months, a massage, and a week off.

  9. My Celica to get a fresh coat of paint, then wrapped in Emerald Green Gloss.

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