I’ve tried it all from a few berroccas to guzzling lucozade sport and a couple of paracetamol, maybe even a bacon sandwich. What’s your go to cure after a night on the beers?

  1. NoT dRiNkInG iN the FiRsT pLaCe….someone will say it.

    Honestly though nothing. The closest I’ve come to fighting off a ha government though is when I remember to down as much water as humanly possible before bed, around a litre, and then smash one or two multi vitamins.

    Normally means you piss like a racehorse in the morning, but it somewhat helps rehydrate you and keep you alive!

  2. Drink lots of water before you go to bed that night/morning with 2 paracetamol and sleep- I mean it works for me 🤣

  3. Water before bed. Stops any headache.

    Also next day energy drink and eat something. Don’t give in to the sickness.

  4. After I’ve had too much whiskey, I cook myself a large flank steak, pan-fried in salted butter. I eat that, put on a pair of wet socks and go to sleep

  5. Coconut water can work wonders, needs to be good quality though. I also read about a theory the other day that said that part of why you get hungover is methonol left in your system, and if you drink again it gets converted back into ethanol, so there’s potentially a scientific justification for necking a Bloody Mary first thing in the morning, rather than it just being because your a problem drinker.

  6. Lucozade sport a bottle before bed and two first thing

    diarrhoea / dehydration recovery salts.

    These replace all the salts sugars and vitamins you’ve just lost. There is no cure for bad sleep and grogginess

  7. A litre of water and two ibuprofen before going to sleep.

    If you wake in the night, drink more water.

    When you wake up, drink more water.

  8. Glass of water and paracetamol before bed. In the morning, a shower, another glass of water with paracetamol and a banana

  9. Thankfully I haven’t had to have a hangover cure yet… However my partners cure Is a Yazoo banana milkshake with some paracetamol and lots of sleep

  10. Even if you think it’s already too late, don’t go straight to sleep after drinking.

    Just chill for 30 minutes, drinking plenty of water, going to the toilet and getting as much out as you can, perhaps eating something, and allow your thoughts to change from Mr. Drunkety to Mr. Normal.

  11. Water night before and lots of it. Dioralyte, orange lucozade and salt and vinegar squares.

  12. An aspirin and a large glass of water before bed. Aspirin opens the blood vessels, water hydrates you, both beneficial to prevent raging headaches.

  13. Drink water while you’re drinking. Have a beer, then a glass of water, then another beer and so on. Also eat a large meal before you start. I’ve never had a “real” hangover following these rules.

    Surprised by the amount of people suggesting paracetamol and ibuprofen. I thought you weren’t supposed to mix those with alcohol?

  14. Order a glass of water with each drink, drink more before sleep, spicy noodles and diet coke in the morning, good as new (sort of)

  15. It’s always the disturbed sleep that gets me the next day. I pop a Nytol before bed to make sure I sleep through and I’m generally fine. Then lots of water, electrolytes the next day.

  16. I find that most of what makes a hangover bad is a combination of being tired and being dehydrated. Often the best thing to do is just chill out and drink a lot of water.

    One thing which helps with rehydration is to take small sips over an extended time rather than gulping a lot in one go. There’s only so much your body can absorb in a short time, so downing a pint of water will just result in pissing most of it out again before long.

  17. If I need to SERIOUSLY cure a hangover because I have work or things planned then a big bowl of nutty granola with Greek yoghurt, a banana and a latte. When I was a student I worked in a supermarket and if I had a 9am shift on Sunday after being out the night before, then this was my go to secret weapon!

    If I’m like “oh hehehe oh no I have a hangover” then a fry up for breakfast – a McDonald’s for lunch & a Chinese takeaway for dinner. Maybe skip the McDonald’s but ready to order a Chinese takeaway at 4pm sharpish

  18. Glass of well fermented kefir (not flavoured) and few dill pickles. Than the hangover instantly becomes veeery unimportant worry for the day. This is the polish way and I’m proud of it.

  19. Drink plenty water before going to bed (prevention is better than cure)

    Then in the morning I’ll either have a fry up or McDonald’s sausage and egg mcmuffin meal with an orange juice at room temperature (for both options)

  20. While the rest of the UK suffers, Scotland wakes up has irn bru and either the left over take out or a sausage sandwich and gets on with thier day.

  21. I don’t get hangovers any more but having said that I’m a binge drinker and lose days at a time depending on how many days I binge, I’d rather have the hangovers as when I did I’d not drink for weeks sometimes months, I’m a binge drinking alcoholic that goes only up to a week between binges at most, it’s not fun 😔

  22. A glass of water every couple of hours, paracetamol now and then, and toast and Marmite with no butter. World every time (eventually).

  23. Eat protein before going to bed.

    I usually make some chicken to munch when I get in. Down a glass of water cuz alcohol makes my mouth dry and then go to bed with a share bag of crisps and a bottle of juice.

    Never had a hangover and I’m 30.

  24. Rehydration salts before you go to sleep and then in the morning, makes a massive difference

  25. One of my lecturers at uni gave us an explanation of the chemistry behind why a curry is the best thing for a hangover. Something like it being very rich in carbonyls so is very effective at breaking down the alcohol

  26. Miso soup. Sodium and probiotics.

    Electrolyte drinks are generally the way to go.

  27. Milkshake and eat something unexciting like bread.

    That gives me the explosive shits and then I drink a bit more milkshake and eat something a bit nicer and I’m good to go.

    I’m sorry about mentioning the explosive shits, I know it’s grim but it’s in the name of science here.

  28. Electrolyte tablet before bed with water and again when you wake up. Works a treat

  29. Powerade and a little spliff. Then a hearty breakfast.

    My hangovers have been a lot better since I switched from lager to Guinness. Also down a pint of water each time I’m waiting at the bar.

  30. I stand by the following:

    – Down a pint of double cream before bed and take four paracetamol.
    – Rub vaseline into your gums
    – Go to sleep, next to the toilet.
    – Set your alarm for 4am (if you go to sleep before then), and take four ibuprofen.
    – Upon wake up, have a pint of French onion soup waiting for you, and then down this.
    – Down two pints of water.
    – Run a cold shower and sit under the cold shower for approx two hours.
    – After shower eater an entire pack of ham
    – Once ham has been consumed head out for a 10k run, wearing two additional layers – this will help sweat out the ham toxins.
    – Once you’ve finished your 10km, head to the pub for a three pints of bitter and seven shots of Malibu hair of the dog
    – Eat a large kebab
    – Go to sleep – you should be fine at this point.

  31. Mcdonalds breakfast delivered, lots of full fat coke and water. And hungover sex

  32. As I get older, I really struggle the next day with shaking off that horrible, anxious, down, heavy, depressing feeling that engulfs me. I don’t drink very often so I probably have low tolerance but that is horrible and I feel emotionally really terrible the next day. I don’t know if it’s getting older but it’s not nice. Anyway, to help physical symptoms, sleep and heaps of water. That’s what I do. Simple but it’s always worked – physically anyway. Doesn’t help that horrible emotional part that reliably kicks in the next day for me. I hate it and have come to dread drinking because of it.

  33. Reading what people go through just to feel normal after a night on the booze makes me glad I gave up! Thank you guys!

  34. Orange lucozade / full fat coke, plain hula hoops, shower and a tidy up. Followed by a Chinese or dominoes. Don’t know why but having a clean house when I’m minging always makes me feel way better. It’s science

  35. Being in my late 30’s alcohol destroys me for days and no matter what I tried I could never win. 2 years alcohol free, and I exclusively use the za za 🌿, no hangovers, no hassle just a chilled evening for me 👍

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