If you would like you can go through my post history. She has a boyfriend. But I feel like she likes me. Before you get upset and downvote let me explain. She is very…our whole relationship is very odd. Before she had a boyfriend she hugged and kissed me. I understand respect their relationship. But…I’m a bit confused and upset. She has these weird tendencies. Like to talk about my future kids. We have gotten really close. And she has gotten pretty touchy with me. Like…I dont know. I dont think she is playing. I’ve been with girls before that have been playing and she just isnt one of them. She wants to stay friends for a long time.

Today she was crying because she was so stressed and frustrated. I hugged her and didnt let go. She stayed. And kept hugging me after. It took a lot to not kiss her and tell her that everything would be ok. I wanted to tell her that a lot throughout the school year. Her boyfriend really does nothing to help her.

Honestly I dont know the relationship with her boyfriend. I’ve never met the dude, she rarely talks about him, and all I have seen is a few pictures. We are 16 and 17. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on in the whole relationship. I would be fine with it. If we weren’t so so so close. Like we are now. It’s too close for me to be with a girl without dating. Wednesday is our last day of school.

Tl;dr Should I kiss her on the cheek and not say anything about it and just leave? Or maybe should I ask her if it would be ok?

I wanna tell her I like her. But I’m not sure it would be worth losing a friendship for if things didnt turnout right.

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