Please can you help settle a disagreement? I am 49F in an on / off relationship with 54M for 2.5 years. We couple are going to a festival and I am happy to pick him up from his home and bring us home so he can enjoy a drink. I am worried I may get a parking ticket (having already received one earlier that week) as its a notorious place to get one. Before we set off I say to my partner I am worried about getting a parking ticket and if we do are they happy to split the cost. He is really upset about this request stating he has never asked me to pay for things like trips out on his boat and cooking food and car expenses. He is really angry with me for asking and feels its petty and subsequently storms off and makes his own way to the festival, i go homel. I am really upset that he takes this view and I feel unsupported as I would have been willing to do the same for him if asked and definitely wouldnt be angry with the request. He goes to the festival alone and does not contact me at all. I eventually reach out to him after 4 days and he is still really angry that I made that request, and feels I had been out of order, he began listing all the things he has done for me (taking me out on his boat, cooking food for me) and never asked me to contribute for fuel. We always split the bill for any meals out or holidays. Both parties feel the other party is out of order and need some outsiders view. Please some opinions 🙏

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