My girlfriend and I go to a regular quiz night at a bar we both really like. The quiz is on each week and normally the prizes are just novelty items but once a month the prize is £500.

My girlfriend and I went to that quiz last week. She mentioned it ton one of her friends and asked me if her friends and her boyfriend could come. I agreed and they asked my girlfriend if we could just but their ticket when we buy ours and they'll pay us on the night or just get us 2 drinks so we agreed.

The night came and they didn't pay us back. They also didn't bother with the quiz and just used the evening to chat to each other and drink. Surprisingly we won the quiz. When I went to collect the money I gave my girlfriend half and I kept half

They asked where their share was but I just pointed out they didn't even pay to be there and didn't answer a single question so why should they get anything.

They said I was being an AH and that we were a team but I just repeated again that they didn't bother with the quiz and clearly just came along in the hope of getting free money.

The guy repeated that I was an AH and that I've stole from him but I just laughed at him and pointed out my girlfriend and I are the ones who paid for the tickets and answered the questions so the money is ours. When we got home my girlfriend said that maybe we should have gave them half.

I again pointed out they did nothing and didn't even pay to be there so why should we lose out. She just said that it was her friends and they were on the team so should have gotten half.

I told my gf that she is free to give them her half if she wants but they're not getting any of my half. She got annoyed and said I was being unfair. Does anyone have any other views on this or any advice on how to handle it?

tl;dr my girlfriend and I went to a quiz, she invited a friend and her boyfriend. We won the quiz with no input from her friend of her boyfriend so I shared the money between me and my gf. The guy called me an AH and my girlfriend said I was being unfair by refusing to give them any of the winnings.

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