Ever since moving to a new city almost 3 years ago I’ve made a handful of shallow connections from past jobs and such. All of these connections have either flaked on me a few times, cancelled to hangout with other friends, or only come around when they want to know some information from me.

I’m not hurt by it since I have yet to find “my people” in this new city. However, by cutting off these low connections it means I will have no one at all here. And I’m already feeling pretty lonely in this town.

Today, a shallow connection made plans to have dinner with me, inviting her friends as well. These are the same friends she’s cancelled on me twice for, and I believe she feels guilty. Deep down I do not wish to join as I have a nagging feeling neither of us really have a genuine caring for the other.

Should I relax my standards and hang out anyway, just to keep the loneliness at bay?

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