He only gets 2 days off from work and yesterday he was off. All we did yesterday was lay in the bed and watch movies/tv. I'm happy with that because we spent time together but at the same time I was hoping we'd you know.. have sex lol

I guess it's kind of on me too because I didn't initiate anything but I know I gave off hints that usually he would notice. (even wore shorts he liked 😅) I felt like he didn't even want to be near me at moments though. It felt like he was curling up or constantly sitting up or moving, I mean we didn't kiss, hug or cuddle this whole time. We were in bed literally all day from 10am-12am and only got up to use the bathroom or to eat. When we did go to sleep he didn't cuddle me or put his arm around me just turned over said love you and went to sleep.

the past week I was on my period so 2 of those days I did 'favors' for him and the day I was off my period we had sex but that day even felt like he only did it to make me happy (he said if he didn't want to he wouldn't have)

I'm just assuming he's stressed about work and everything but I just feel like I'm overthinking everything but my guts telling me something is off.

tl;dr I'm upset my husband and I didn't have sex on his day off from work and I'm wondering if I'm overthinking about why we didn't.

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