My 43F and ex 44M long distance situationship. So there was this guy I was involved with starting in January of until I walked away in December 2024. To make a long story short for this time he was in and out of my life he was full of lies, inconsistent behavior, wouldn't commit and wouldn't go away. It was really emotionally abd mentally draining. He would make excuses why he didn't have time fme but would have time for other "female friends" like walked away this past December 2023 because I couldn't take the emotional and mental abuse anymore.

He hit me up in May 2024 to "apologize " but his behavior didn't change. Then he ghosted me again until a couple weeks ago. Sai ge was going to see ne blah blah blah. Then on Tuesday when he was supposed to come in he Sad he had bad covid. Tried calling him yesterday to find my number was blocked. He was saying it was blocked because "he was so sick he didn't have energy to keep checking it."

Later I find he was in my area and now on a "road trip" with another women woman. Seems like they've been hanging out at least since May. Whatever. Same old bullshit.

I've been trying to uplevel my life but have been struggling big time. Especially with my career. I'm at a breaking point because I've tried so hard to work on myself without success. Feel like I've been putting living on the back burner because of lack of money. I've put on weight from the stress. Idk why I'm struggling with my life to glow up. There's a part of me that still cares about this idiot guy. I can go no contact easily. It's when he reaches out I get messed up because I still have a soft spot for him.

Should I tell him off before I block him? Should I block him?

How can I work in other areas of life when I'm tight on money? I've lost focus of going all in on certain aspects of my life because I don't make a lot of money right now and my work schedule is inconsistent .

TLDR: Ex keeps popping up but won't commit after 4.5 years. He won't totally go away either and I'm having trouble having a glow up.

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