I’ve gone through narcissistic abuse in the past and i’m more aware when people have inflated egos.

recently, in my new friend group & in my friend (i moved to a small town to live with a friend), i see huge egos.

at first, i withdrew a lot because abuse trauma. but i realized it’s who they are and they probably don’t even realize their egos.

i’ve come to peace with myself that they’re human beings just like me. but i feel like a doormat. i’ve expressed the concern to my friend, yet, the moment the conversation is over, it’s just me me me again.

i feel like i have no choice left but to move back home – not because the people are bad, they’re just not aware of their self.

what would you do?

  1. If the living conditions are no longer suitable for you and there are no financial barriers and it is prudent to move, then move.

  2. Well, home it is then. There’s thing called the law of diminishing returns. One interpretation of the aformentioned is that you can be in a certain environmental condition wherein you are expending energy and getting less than the amount you put in. This is your mental state we are talking about here, if this issue is affecting you emotionally and psychologically the probability of this negativity transfering to work is increased which then affects you outcome.

    My point is, it might be worth it more to pay rent somewhere else where you are not so psychologically affected, your parents home might be a good place to start if you have a good relationship with time. A non-negative environment increases the probability of being more productive and doing more efficient work. The question is, which in the long term will be of greater value to you: toughing it out with the guys currently and incurring a lesser financial burden or leaving and going somewhere else where it is a more positive environment relative to one you are in now with an increased financial burden. Which one will produce the greater positive outcome, where does the greater probability for long-term success lay? If you can answer that, you’ll know what to do.

    Good luck!

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