This guy and I have been trying to go out for some time but it’s just been bad timing. I’m finally available and we touched base about going out.

I pretty much told him I’m back now and that we should try to get together sometime.

He agreed that he definitely still wanted to get together. He just had something going on but he was going to text me when he has a free minute and then we could plan something.

I was just going to text him and say

“ Okay, sounds good! Take your time no worries”

Not sure if I sounded too eager or lame..?

1 comment
  1. both too eager and too lame, imo (but really, that’s just me, an ultra-conservative fellow)

    “ok, awaiting your update”

    would suffice, shorter is almost always better, more concise is good, volunteering stuff not so much (risks diverting attention from the main theme)

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